
Monday, 6 September 2010

No.58 'Tattoo Heart' and No.59 'Cupcake' bento

I've made two different bento details for Tuesday. The reason being that my daughter experienced a lot of bento-caused teasing in the dinner hall today from the senior children. At first, after coming home, she was declaring that she would never-ever-ever take another bento to school. I reassured her that she could take plainer sandwiches and fruit if she liked. It was another sad moment in our bentoing, because I realised that going over to just sandwiches every day would mean a less nutritionally balanced meal. Her father and I explained (again) that being 'different' in any way shape or form can attract negative attention, but being exactly the same as everyone else just to avoid notice isn't necessarily the road to happiness (or good nutrition!).

I was just about to make her a pack of cheese and pickle sandwiches as requested, when she came into the kitchen, saw all the bento food out, and asked me to make a bento! Go my girl! I decided I would use one of my new cutters to make her a very rock'n'roll 'tattoo heart' shaped cheese and pickle sandwich, decorated with a cut out and coloured slice of cheese on top. It's surrounded by strawberries and black grapes. In the middle layer are some mini ring doughnuts and in the base layer is pesto pasta, radishes, cucumber and a square of leftover falafel.

I decided to use another cutter for my son's jam sandwich, featured below (I was on a new-cutter-roll). Because his cupcake shaped sandwich was sweet I decorated it with writing icing and sprinkles like a real cup cake. he exclaimed "Oh wow! My friends will love this!". Which is exactly what I wanted to hear.


  1. Glad to see you are still sticking at the nutritious, healthy and creative bento making! Just popping in to say hello! :o)

  2. I'm really hoping the bento is a winner today Sherimiya!

    Hello to you too, Asfora! Nice to have you pop by. :-)

  3. It stinks that your daughter was teased just for her bentos! But luckily that didn't deter her :)

    What a cool cutter shape! I'm also loving the cupcake sandwich :)

  4. Thank you Laura. It is very sad that children who have a little extra thought put into their lunches end up being teased and put off.

    My new cutters are great! I should post a picture of them. It came as a metal ring with six or seven cool cutter shapes made from beautifully coloured metal. A bargain I happened upon at a nearby TK-Maxx.



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